Hello Powerful People!

Today we are declaring that we are confident! What is confidence? Confidence is not to be confused with arrogance. Arrogance says, “I am perfect.”
Confidence says, “Though I am imperfect, I am still capable of impacting the world around me.” Never feel guilty for having confidence. Stand boldly in who you are.

So many things in life can happen that cause us to feel self-conscious and doubtful. Trauma, disappointment, failure, and heartache can all generate “less than” emotions and thoughts.
However, I want you to understand that your confidence should never come from a place of perfection. Perfection is an illusion. Strive for progress, not perfection.
Here are four suggestions to help boost your confidence:


1. Celebrate every win.

Too often in life, we only focus on our losses. When we only highlight our disappointments, our victories can easily fade into the rearview mirror of life. Beginning today, think about at least one thing that went well. Perhaps for you, it will be, “I arrived to work on time!” If that’s usually not the case, you’re winning! The more intentional you are about celebrating your wins, the more your confidence will increase.

2. Cease Comparison.

There are times when a comparison can be healthy. For example, taking a public speaking class will help you identify areas that need improvement. The class would give you a barometer against which to measure your current skills in comparison to where you hope to grow. Alternately, comparison can kill confidence if not managed well. Anytime observing the gifts in others causes you to despise your talents, you are in a danger zone. Applaud for others while being your own cheerleader and remember to compare is to despair.

3. Embrace Failure.

Yes, you read that right. Embrace your failures! Just as fear cannot be eradicated in life, neither can failure. Don’t worry about what you might not accomplish, focus instead on the innumerable possibilities. The incomparable Nelson Mandela taught us, you either win or you learn. Ultimately, you don’t lose. There’s an old saying, “If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.” I couldn’t agree with Thomas Palmer more. Fail, dust off, try again.

I am thrilled about your future. Trust me, I can barely contain my excitement! I’m certain that your success and realization of dreams are on the other side of doubt. When you gain confidence, you gain access to fresh ideas and the courage to carry them out. Be bold and be you. The world has enough imposters, we need your originality.

4. Be Around Confident People.

Another confidence builder is being around people who will challenge you and grow with you. It is amazing how much you begin to emulate those with whom you spend the most time. Confidence begets confidence.

As I always say, I’m rooting for you! Your best days are still ahead. Walk-in confidence that your future is nothing short of amazing.

I am inviting you to the Dream Makers Seminar. You’ll have a chance to relax, get rejuvenated, and connect with like-minded sisters. It’s a must for your 2020 to-do list.

To Your Abundant Life,
